Dashboard - Recruiter Edition
The search engine that will drive your recruiting research.
tagupDashboard - Recruiter Edition
Exactly What You're Looking For
The search engine that will drive your recruiting research.
An Invaluable Tool Focused on What Matters to You.
Beat out your competition and be the first to discover the players your program needs.
The premium feature that allows recruiters to filter players by the information listed on player profiles. All players must do is fully complete their profile, and they will be integrated into our tagupDashboard search engine. Want to see every uncommitted left-handed pitcher in Wyoming graduating in 2021 with a 4.0 GPA? No problem. Equipped with eleven different filters, tagupDashboard allows recruiters to make their search as broad or focused as they want, find the players they need, and add them to their player watch list.

The filter that lets recruiters incorporate athletes’ performances in the classroom into their search, as well as when they will be graduating. This filter provides the ability to sort players by their graduation year, and ensures that every player scouted meets their program’s academic standards

The filter that allows recruiters to hone in on the player information they need. Search for players by primary position, secondary position, which side of the plate they bat from, and which arm they throw with. Find the right player and fill every role your program needs with total efficiency.

The filter that provides recruiters with the ability to sort players by location and team. Want to view a particular travel team that has peaked your interested? Select the Travel Team filter to view their roster. Want to search by state? Select the State option to view every tagup player in any state.
Recruiter Edition