Dashboard - Recruiter Edition
The search engine that will drive your recruiting research.
The Future of the Game is Here
New! PGF Certified Metrics
View upcoming events!
*If you have an existing account on tagup, select ‘Log in”, and use your current credentials.
If you do not, click ‘Register Now!’, or ‘Get Started’ to complete your new player profile on PGF.
If you do not, click ‘Register Now!’, or ‘Get Started’ to complete your new player profile on PGF.
Camps, combines & metrics events
Not only does PGF provide the top tournaments in the country, we also offer camps, combines and metrics events.
At PGF, the history of our camps has proven to give players the best opportunity to showcase their talents directly in front of the top college coaches from across the country.
We have now added 2 new opportunities for players, metrics and combines. Each player will be able to register for a player profile and sign up for metrics and combines. Players can showcase their individual skills and will be tested by PGF certified recorders. Player metrics scores and times will be posted to their player account in real time. Combines will include live games that will get recorded and highlights will be posted to player profiles

PGF Camps
PGF camps will continue to be one on one camps with drills and live games lead by college coaches. We have a commitment from college coaches from across the country to participate in our highly successful camps. PGF Camps give our participants the greatest opportunity to work directly with the top college coaches in the country in a “On the field” environment. This is all done through NCAA Compliance rules.

PGF Metrics - New!
PGF metrics will be metrics timing and scoring only. Players will run through various stations which include: 10-20-40 yard dash, 5-10-5 shuttle, grip strength, overhand throwing velocity, and hitting velocity. PGF has partnered with tagupSoftball, Zybek Sports, Blast Motion, and Pocket Radar to bring the top level of equipment and real time recording. Players will be able to compare past metrics and video to show improvement.

PGF Combines - Coming Soon!
PGF combines will be a combination of metrics and live games. This is where a player’s individual skills will be showcased, recorded and posted real time to every participant’s, player profile. A player profile will be fully managed by the player but metrics videos, official times, and highlights will be posted by certified PGF recorders.
We are expanding our technology, powered by tagup. Next-level tech to drive the future of the game.

Showcasing players with the most video uploads for individual play types on tagup.

Player profiles, built around poignant information and video, designed to drive engagement through shareability.

National Ranking
The new system developed by PGF to accurately evaluate and rank players on a national scale.

Dynamic search engines and a feed of recently uploaded content that power a strong connection between recruiters and recruits.
Take a look at what these industry leaders,
and veterans have to say about PGF and tagup
Click a logo to see what they had to say...

Emily Lipsett

Bill Conroy

Rob Weil

“As a student-athlete, I played in 4 PGF Nationals, and was even fortunate enough to be on a team that won a National Championship! I have seen first hand, and experienced the value and impact this company brings to so many young athletes. During my time as a PGF athlete, I learned the importance of hard work, dedication, and drive to play and succeed at the highest level. These core values have driven the growth of tagup, so the partnership with PGF feels like everything has come full circle. Our team at tagup is thrilled to be on board with Dan Hay, and the PGF team, as we continue to build the future of the game.”
Emily Lipsett
CEO and Founder, tagup

“The Bandits play a PGF first schedule, with the goal of adding to our 7 PGF National Championship titles. As the slogan states, “The best of the best play PGF’. Emily played for me and we had an opportunity to be the first club on tagup. From the start, we have worked hand in hand with Emily and her development team. Through the process, I have watched tagup become a tool that is absolutely essential to our club, season management, website and player exposure. The partnership between PGF and tagup is a perfect pairing of two industry leaders, and I look forward to what they can accomplish together.”
Bill Conroy
Beverly Bandits Founder, Head Coach

“When you have been around the game as long as I have, it takes something special to stand out. When we launched our new club, we had a lot of decisions to make on how to handle team management, our website, our recruiting, what sanction, and the list goes on. The decision to play PGF, was the most easy, as they are the leader. tagup stood out because they had a solution for all of our needs as a club. After using tagup for the last year, it is obvious to me that they are going to be a major player in the future of softball. The potential that the PGF and tagup partnership brings to the game is limitless, and I believe its going to have a substantial impact on the futures of many.”
Rob Weil
Program Director, Wildcats Softball
PGF National player ranking
Coming Soon to a field near you, 2023 Launch!
The only certified, in-depth, video based, metric, and performance
driven, National Player Ranking System
Over the last 18 months we have been researching and evaluating ranking systems and their methodologies. Taking what we had learned, our team decided that the only ranking system that could reflect the standard set by PGF would have to be built by PGF. Our partnership with tagup, a best of breed software and tech company, ensured this endevaor would be spear-headed by Ivy League graduates, former Division I athletes, PRO players and coaches. The combination of tagup’s next-level, vertically integrated approach to the game of Softball and PGF’s wealth of experience gives us the confidence to guarantee that the future of ranking systems lives here.
A sneak preview of the what the future of National Player Rankings looks like...
PGF National Player Ranking
powered by tagup
An Elite Company, Keeps Elite Company
We are proud to announce the partnership with tagupSoftball, Blast motion, and Zybek sports to put on the best possible metric camps and combines for the players. Having the top-rated equipment and program will allow the players to view real time scoring and timing via their player profile.

Blast Motion

Pocket Radar

